Can you help?

Please can you help us publicise our service?


We know that there are many people who would benefit by coming along to The Listening Place to talk through their worries, concerns and problems.  You may know someone yourself.  Maybe they need your help to take a step through the door.  Please bring them for coffee one Wednesday or Saturday morning when they could have an informal chat to a Listener and decide if it’s for them.

Or perhaps you could help us publicise our service by:

  • Displaying a poster in your window
  • Asking your local surgery, post office or community noticeboard to display one
  • Giving a leaflet to a person in need

If you are willing to help in this way, please get in touch and we will get posters and/or leaflets to you.

Contact Jill by text or phone: 07718 796 533

Or email: or

The Listening Place is a free confidential drop in service, for face-to-face appointments.  It is open on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, 10am-12noon and Monday evenings from 5.30pm-7.30pm at Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmunds Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF.

You talk – We listen