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Join Us

If you would like to join us as a Volunteer Listener for the Listening Place or find out more information about what becoming a Listener involves, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.  Details of the next Listener Training course can be found on our Courses page.

    Join Us Form


    “This service is excellent and much needed”


    “I went away feeling much happier/better”


    “Being listened to allowed me to work through my thoughts and feelings in a safe environment”


    “It helps to have an emotionally uninvolved person to listen”


    “I was surprised at how tearful I felt, but after talking and the Listener being so attentive, I felt the burden lift enormously”


    “Being listened to clarified the issue for me and I felt strengthened, calmed and encouraged”


    “Although working within a church environment, TLP offers an impartial service without judgement or pushing religious beliefs on those who are not comfortable with them”